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The Main Street Tax Certainty Act

The Main Street Tax Certainty Act

Securing the Future of Small Businesses in America In a significant move to support America's small businesses, Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD), and 33 Republican Senators have introduced the Main Street Tax Certainty Act. This crucial...

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Estate Planning & Trusts

Finance & Retirement

Understanding Your Retirement Plan Sponsor Responsibilities: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Your Retirement Plan Sponsor Responsibilities: A Comprehensive Guide

A retirement plan sponsor is responsible for establishing, managing, and continuously updating retirement plans while assuming fiduciary responsibilities and adhering to legal obligations to act in the best interest of the plan participants. Plan sponsors must regularly update their plan documents to comply with changes in laws and manage employer contributions and plan expenses effectively to ensure the plan’s financial health and the participants’ future benefits.

The Importance of Stress Management for Entrepreneurs: Tips for Overcoming Overwhelm

Guilt From Debt

For Those Who Struggle With Guilt From The Debt They Cannot Afford To Pay By Eric Olsen from HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm https://www.helpsishere.org/guilt.html Recently, a senior citizen called HELPS director Eric Olsen for help. For several months, she had been skipping...

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Life Insurance

Health Insurance

Understanding Your Retirement Plan Sponsor Responsibilities: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Your Retirement Plan Sponsor Responsibilities: A Comprehensive Guide

A retirement plan sponsor is responsible for establishing, managing, and continuously updating retirement plans while assuming fiduciary responsibilities and adhering to legal obligations to act in the best interest of the plan participants. Plan sponsors must regularly update their plan documents to comply with changes in laws and manage employer contributions and plan expenses effectively to ensure the plan’s financial health and the participants’ future benefits.

The Importance of Stress Management for Entrepreneurs: Tips for Overcoming Overwhelm

Guilt From Debt

For Those Who Struggle With Guilt From The Debt They Cannot Afford To Pay By Eric Olsen from HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm https://www.helpsishere.org/guilt.html Recently, a senior citizen called HELPS director Eric Olsen for help. For several months, she had been skipping...

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Supplemental Insurance

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